Submitted by: Adriana Notton

The highway traffic act is a law that is most popularly in effect in Ontario, Canada. The law is used to deal with a variety of transportation related issues which are including, but not limited to the classification of vehicles and traffic offenses, the licensing of vehicles, and the administration of loads. The law was introduced in the year 1923 to try to minimize the amount of accidents that were occurring to motorists in the Ontario area of Canada.

The act includes a variety of different motor vehicles. These vehicles include trucks, motorcycles, cars, off-road vehicles, farm equipment and construction equipment. Additionally, the act also applies to buses, bikes, and even mobile homes. The idea is to further improve the safety of all motorists that are on the highway.

Recently, there have been some amendments that have been made to the act to improve the quality of how it operates. For example, if the province finds that a driver has committed a drug-trafficking offense, then there is the right to suspend the driver’s license of the individual until further notice. The province of Manitoba is currently the first to apply this amendment amongst other provinces in the country.


The change to the act is more than necessary with the amount of vehicles that are known for being used in drug-trafficking related offenses on a constant basis. With the amendment in place, provinces in Canada have the option to take control of the situation and provide justice as well as prevent any possible accidents from occurring on the highway as a result. Additionally, there are different types of punishment that are associated with the discovery of a drug-trafficking offense.

Upon the first occurrence of a drug-trafficking offense, the driver’s license of the individual will be suspended for a year. If there is a second offense afterward, then the driver’s license will be suspended for five years. A third offense will then merit ten years, and then any offense afterward will require that the driver’s license is revoked for life.

If the amendments to the act are successful, then it is likely that more provinces will also use them as a means to take action and lessen the amount of drug-trafficking in the area. Additionally, it is not necessary that long term suspensions would require any previous convictions related to crime of drug-trafficking. In these situations, offenses such as drunk driving or being caught driving while on suspension would also be suitable for license suspensions.

Because of the changes in the act, and also the amount of detail that is associated with many of the rules, there are a number of resources which can be found for drivers that have inquiries. Generally, a majority of questions can be answered via reading the act for yourself and also doing some basic research online. However, if you have further questions, you may want to contact some of the local authorities for a full explanation of how the act is being used in your province, and what currently applies.

The highway traffic act is a means that Canada is using in order to ensure that its drivers are always safe while on the roads and highways in the area. The amendments listed above are a further measure that is being implemented in hopes that it will not only continue to ensure safety while driving, but also minimize many of the drug-trafficking crimes. For further information on the amendment and how it will affect your safety as a driver, you may want to take some time to read the act thoroughly on your own.

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