By Kevin Dervin

Why are so many network marketers struggling to make it big?

Network marketing is often described as a simple business. It just takes focus and a willingness to do the work – even if it’s only part time initially.

And the great news you are told is that anyone can do this business. In network marketing there are no age, education level, or previous work experience requirements to succeed. Everyday people are told they can jump right in and make it big in the network marketing industry. That’s part of the attraction.

But, if it’s so simple, then why are so many people struggling? And why are thousands and thousands of people constantly switching from one network marketing opportunity to another without ever making it big?

Well let’s start with marketing (or lack of it). When you’re in a network marketing business, or any other small business, then you need to accept that part of your job is marketing. Without some kind of marketing approach, you won’t generate a constant flow of leads that you can turn into either business partners or customers.

Be careful about blindly buying into the phrase, ‘just follow the proven system.’ The so-called proven system too often misses the boat completely when it comes to proven small business marketing principles.


‘So what is the most important marketing skill?’ I’ve been asked some form of this question many times over the years. The answer may surprise you.

Marketing success is not about having a sexy marketing message or the most impressive marketing materials. With network marketing it’s not about having the best story or materials that really demonstrate how great your products and business opportunity are. Those things are important for sure, but not as important as great follow-up.

In this industry, too many people get caught chasing the ‘holy grail’ of network marketing. They go from company to company looking for the ideal product with the ideal business opportunity and compensation plan to go with it. And then they’re hoping for great marketing collateral to make getting others interested a no-brainer.

Always looking for the ‘killer way’ to tell their story is one of the main reasons so many network marketers never build their business. Think about this for a second. All your message or story can do is get you some initial attention. That’s it. But then everything you do after that is really follow-up.

What I’ve found in working with many small business owners is that they don’t think all the way through their marketing follow-up process. Follow-up isn’t a matter of simply putting a tickler in your calendar to call or send an email every four to six weeks to see if your prospect has made a decision.

Follow-up is about communicating with your prospects (and clients) in a very planned and strategic way. And the most important thing to remember in doing it is to always provide your clients and prospects with something of value when you’re following up. Do that and watch your results soar!

The concept of follow-up is so simple. But, most network marketers launch into the business without so much as a thought as to the follow-up process. After all, you’re just following the proven system, right?

Here are Five Keys to keep in mind as you design an effective follow-up strategy:

Plan your follow-up with clients and prospects over the life of your marketing and sales flow. Yes, every business including your network marketing business has a flow. And you need to become aware of the flow so you can design your follow-up around it.

Use a good balance and combination of follow-up techniques. Letters, telephone calls, personal notes, as well as written articles and information of interest are all excellent ways to stay top of mind with your clients and prospects.

Be sure that each communication offers your client or prospect something of value. That might include information they can use, an incentive to act, a guarantee of results, etc. Just checking in to see whether they’ve made a decision tends to be viewed more as pestering than follow-up.

Send tip sheets and free reports of interest that continue to inform and educate. As you’re working to stay in touch, you’ll also be working to build a relationship of credibility and trust.

Set a schedule to contact your prospects or clients every four to eight weeks.

Take some time to think through and map out your follow-up strategy. Do this and I predict you’ll see measurable results in just a few short months.

About the Author: Kevin Dervin is a small business marketing coach focused on helping professionals who struggle to effectively attract more business. Become an Attraction Marketing Magnet. Sign up for a FREE Magnetic Sponsoring Bootcamp at


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