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Commercial Dog Food – Disguised Killer!
Have you ever considered the method in which we go about choosing the food we feed our dogs? How did you go about making that choice? Maybe, you are using the same dog food that you saw around the house when you were growing up? Or, maybe you are feeding your dog food that was recommended by a friend or neighbor. Either way, not very reliable sources.
So, how did you choose that dog food that you give your best four legged friend? If you are like most Americans, it often comes down to two things. One, you saw a really cute commercial, or two, you want to save money. Neither of which is going to insure that your dog will be with you very long.Now, you maybe one of the many of us dog lovers that would never consider giving our dogs food found on the grocery store shelves. Nope, we would rather spend more for specialty brands that are supposed to be better for dogs. Sadly, we have come to find out that these are little better than the others when it comes to safety issues.If you are anything at all like me, when you started to become aware that things are not right in the world of dog food, you wanted to know more. Not an easy task with all of the dog foods that are out there. Or, at least so we thought. I don’t know about you, but I was floored to find out the vast number of brands all supplied by the same manufacturer. And, when you start investigating dog food you will find that most of the information is provided directly from the industry itself. Sounds like the fox guarding the coop.Regulations are such that dog food manufacturers have huge loop holes to slip through when it comes to truthful and accurate labeling. The labeling regulations only require the manufacturers to list anything added during the manufacturing process. There is no mention of what has happened before or where the feed originated. Once you find that these foods are comprised of euthanized animals and worse, you will have serious second thoughts about feeding your dog any of these foods.Don’t continue to live in fear that you may be inadvertently poisoning your dog. Information is available so that you can inform yourself. You needn’t take the risk. Take the first step. There are things that you can do to avoid this disaster.
If you’re as concerned for dog’s health as we are, then you owe it to your dog and to yourself to investigate more fully your options when it comes to feeding your best friend. You can see a video report and download our guide at
Dog Food that Kills
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Commercial Dog Food – Disguised Killer!}