Anti-Virus Software To Protect Computers


Sam Aston

If you have recently purchased a new computer you are probably looking for ways on how you can protect it so it doesn\’t get attacked by vicious malware or spyware. Computers cost a lot of money and most people do their best to try to ensure that their computers will last for several years at a time. In addition, with the amount of pictures and music files that most people store on their computers, most people want to protect those files because they are very important and irreplaceable.

Anti-virus software is available for the user in order to prevent, detect and to remove all different kinds of malware and threats from their computers. The different kinds of threats and malware available includes viruses, adware, backdoors, trojan horses, worms, spyware, malicious BHOs, dialers, fraudtools, hijackers, malicious LSPs, and more. The many different types of antivirus programs available can be purchased to examine any computer to ensure that none of these malicious threats are ever put on the computer and also can take them off of the computer if they are already there or accidentally installed.


In order to properly protect your new computer it is very important that you install an anti-virus program onto it. There are many different anti-virus programs to choose from and they range in cost and effectiveness. But, by researching the different programs that are available you will be able to determine which program will work best for your needs.

There are two different types of anti-virus protection that you will need to protect your computer. The first type is the real-time anti-virus protection. The real-time anti-virus protection has a database of known viruses in the tens of thousands. A real-time anti-virus program will scan for these known viruses each time that you turn on your computer. It will search every file on your computer for these known viruses and will alert you if you have one of them on your computer. In addition, the anti-virus software will be able to eliminate these viruses for you when they are found. Because the program scans so many different files on your computer, it can be known to case your computer to run a little bit slower than normal.

The other type of virus scanning that is available is called demand scanning. On-demand scanning checks for viruses when a user tries to manually install a program. The on-demand scanning will work to try to determine whether there are any malicious files in any of the files that a user is trying to install onto their computer and will alert the user if it seems a potential problem.

Because there are so many different viruses that are released daily it is very important for each antivirus program to be thorough in adding the new virus detection to their databases. Most antivirus programs will ask the user to update their program before a new scan is run on the machine to ensure that the user is using the most up to date software that is scanning for every known potential virus. If the antivirus program does not have all of the updated information in it, it is quite possible for the computer to get infected with a new virus.

Most antivirus programs, once installed, will automatically run a scan on the computer about once a week to ensure that there are no malicious files in the computer. In addition, the antivirus program will automatically check for malicious programs on any file that the user tries to download onto the machine.

By having a thorough antivirus program on a computer it can be properly cared for and it should be able to last for several years.

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